Sunday, 23 March 2014

Mick Fleetwood Goes His Own Way: On The Road

On The Road Again - just can not wait to get to the road.
Fleet wood Mac tour knew any excess [PA ]The life I love is music with my friends, and I can not wait to hit the road - Willie Nelson On The Road Again. 

All of us are familiar with my friend and the words of Comrade Willie Nelson . In my case, there has never been a truer sense writing because I love all those old feelings of excitement crawling before starting the tour. 

My first real tour began with the launch of our record of success , Peter Green of Fleet wood Mac . We toured all over Europe. 

 Transport equipment , implementing measures to give small planes , ferries and buses , we had a shared path motel rooms shabby, often twelve fifty-five room and using coats for blankets strain. We went without sleep and bad food in vans down , sometimes hitchhiking concert . I loved every minute. 

I walked and travel chaos as well because I was in my blood , having been raised in the Air Force. For me, it was the birth of the " Road Dog " - the guy who is happier and more comfortable on the road than at home. I have developed my skills as a play maker , organization and taking control to get this circus on the road. 

I was in my element , channeling the spirit of the troubadour adhere to strict schedules happen. In the early 1970s Fleet wood Mac began touring America. We were still headed to our concerts , sometimes rain and snowstorms . 

Everything was under budget. We stayed at the Holiday Inn . We made our trip into three main jumps, now with a baby and a woman in tow ! Even if we get to the "Big Time" with the release of the album Fleet wood Mac . 

I remember the last time we visited these breaks , Texas, on our way to play a great festival. We made our way through terrible traffic . Everyone seemed to be on the road heading to the same place , and traffic was getting worse. 

 That's when our friend and road manager , John Courage , he took over and said. " Whatever you do , Mick, do not stop following " Our ride was rogue you broke all laws in the book that we climbed on the sidewalk , leaving a sea of ​​15 miles of solid traffic in the dust.

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